Branding, marketing, and advertising are all tools you use to help promote your business. They help you acquire and retain customers, as well as drive sales and profits. Thus, you may have invested a significant amount of money for great branding, online visibility of your business, good signage, striking website, and dedicated personnel to monitor your social media presence.
However, you may have overlooked, or rather, underestimated the fact that your staff can be an effective advert for your business, not only in the way in which they conduct themselves in dealing with customers but also in how they are dressed.
We have enumerated six tell-tale signs that it’s about time that you implement a uniform program to promote your business to the next level.

1. Struggle to Identify Your Staff
When customers walk into your business, can they immediately identify your staff? Are your staff easily identifiable? If the answer is no and your customers have to first approach a counter for assistance instead of asking staff on the floor, then it suggests that your staff are not easily identifiable.
You may be missing out on opportunities for sales as some customers may not be bothered to seek out staff. The easier staff are to spot the quicker the customer will get assistance and have a good overall impression of the business. A branded uniform ensures that your staff is visible and available to assist.

2. Problem with Inappropriate Workwear
Do you have to reprimand your staff members because of the way they are dressed?
Without a uniform policy, standards of dress are difficult to enforce as everyone has a different concept of what is ‘appropriate workwear’.
There is nothing to stop employees from wearing clothing that is too revealing, ill-fitting, and distracting or t-shirts with offensive prints. A branded company uniform eliminates confusion and ensures everyone is suitably dressed, making them good ambassadors for your business.
So, if you see that there is a diverse dress standard among your employees or staff then it is time to act now and implement a uniform program.

3. Safety of Employees May be Compromised
Are your employees wearing uniforms modified to meet their job requirements? Diverse industries rely on uniforms to maintain workplace safety.
Without correct clothing, it will be difficult to ensure the safety of the employee in his course of work in the company.
For example, if staff in the warehouse are not wearing high visibility vests, the forklift operators cannot spot them quickly and this can lead to dangerous situations.

4. Security Issues
Are you having issues with security? Can you identify each other in the workplace and easily spot when an outsider is where they shouldn’t be?
Having various uniforms for different divisions of the business can assist with ensuring that people remain in their designated areas.
Uniforms also add an extra layer of security by helping you spot a member of the public trying to roam beyond counters.

#5. Inharmonious Environment
Are you having issues with teamwork? Is the image being projected by the employees’ workwear create a conflict within the company? If so there is a problem.
You will end up with an inharmonious work environment that will lead to reduced employee happiness and productivity. A company uniform levels the playing field and provides a sense of teamwork and belongingness. It creates a sense of pride and helps with buy-in to the company values.
So, if you are finding disharmony in your workplace, dressing everyone in a uniform may help.

#6. Customer Complaints
Have you ever had a customer who took the time to make a complaint about your employee’s state of dress? Did they find it indecent in the eyes? If yes, alarm bells should sound.
It is time to discuss and implement a company uniform policy. Once employees are in a set branded uniform, a sense of pride in appearance is instilled. And this ultimately lifts their confidence and level of customer service.
Wrapping Up
Indeed, one of the most important brand ambassadors for any company or organization is the employees wearing branded uniforms.
Besides advertising and digital marketing campaigns to get a company noticed by its target customers for all the right reasons, a recognizable uniform is a powerful tool that speaks to the quality of its products and/or services it offers.
For the purpose of brand awareness, as well as plenty of other reasons, such as security and safety, it’s worth taking into consideration how a uniform management system can benefit your company.
Greco Promotions is Your One-Stop Uniform Partner.
As a trusted apparel solutions provider for almost two decades in the industry, we’ll show you what makes a good uniform program stand out from lesser uniform inventory systems.
We have a customized solution that will meet your needs and will fit your budget.
So, if you’d like to grow your business, improve workforce productivity, and streamline operations, contact us for more information today!